Thursday, March 19, 2009

hetero perspective

I vaguely remember liking dick. It seems like another lifetime 10 light
years away. I can't say that it was ever something that remotely gave
me any pleasure. but it does take me back to the days when I considered
females as an option. what took me so long in moving forward had to do
with my own misgivings about the lesbian population. I used to have the
mindset that if I were to be a "dyke" , I'd have to wear flannel shirts
and a buzzcut which wasn't too appealing. it was more a question of
being gay and retaining ones femininity.


Chanel said...

lmao@ "I vaguely remember liking dick." Gotta love the opening. lol. But yeah, now I can remember liking dick it was just the fact that there was a man attached to it I didnt too much care for. Does that make any sense?

Meshia said...

lol it does make sense. I probably shouldn't have phrased it like that. I never had much in common with men except women. I think i had penis envy without the penis.

AJ the DJ said...

So ummm, what are your views on the strap on then?

Rebecca said...

LOL, I love the penis envy without the penis part Meshia.
I just remember wanting to like dick because it was how it was supposed to be. I mean, all my friends liked it, why didn't I?
Nothing wrong with strap ons I guess cause it wasn't the dick that was so wrong, just the gender of the person it was attached to.....LOL

Meshia said...

to answer your question AJ. I don't really have much of a view on the strap. I've been strapped twice in my life and I don't quite remember liking it so much. In re of the statement vaguely liking dick, I associate the term dick with the individual it comes attached to (i.e. the male species) I'm not so keen on them. I am however quite keen on femininity and although I like an aggressive female. I like to know she's soft to the touch when the clothes are off.