Friday, February 27, 2009


landscape 010

I have a million and one reasons why I should go out this weekend and get shitfaced. But I’ll refrain from the latter. My boss offered the option of relocating and I feel like it’s just what the doctor ordered. However he’d like me to relocate to the VA/DC area within 3 months. I don’t even know how that’s going to happen seeing as I haven’t even started looking for an apartment out there and I’m not even sure how I would start. So if anyone has some advice on where to find a nice little 1 bedroom in a decent area (preferably somewhere I won’t get shot), then please by all means, drop me a line or 2 or 3….

Anyway it’s almost 10a.m and I should be washing my ass for work. One can only hope I’m not slated to come in tomorrow. That would be a real buzzkill.

1 comment:

Monie said...


Regarding apartments; you might want to check out Craigslist. That would be a good start.

I don't know much about the D.C. area but I know Georgetown is a good place to live. You might start looking in that area.

There is a blog called Pink, Chocolate & Sunshine. The blog owner is Tami and she lives in the D.C. area. You might want to stop by her blog and ask her advice too.

Here is the link to her blog;

Good Luck!